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Acquire high-value patients faster

Pinpoint the most profitable patients for immediate growth

We supercharge multi-channel campaigns with the AI-tech and consumer data that systems don’t have, skilled experts, and real-time reports to show immediate value. Our market-leading health CRM is trusted by marketing and strategic teams to drive growth for high-value services, new providers, and boost patient acquisition.

Your market potential at your fingertips

By combining our data and predictive models we are able to pinpoint exactly who has a need for your services, has the ability to pay and is most likely to book an appointment. Don’t believe us? Get a free market assessment today to learn how much money you are leaving on the table.

Quick Ways to Hit your KPI’s

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We’ve got the data, technology, and multi-channel communications to reach prospects and patients and drive them to your practice.

The Unicorn of Health CRM

Multi-Channel Engagement

Reach prospects and patients across integrated digital and offline channels to maximize engagement and make the most of your budget.

SDOH Insights

Leverage SDOH insights for a data-driven personalized approach that identifies and connects with your prospects better than competitors.

Real-time ROI

Gain a clear line of sight into ROI and value with real-time data for in-flight campaigns and adjust based on in-the-moment information.

Boost Service Line Growth

More effectively acquire new patients by predicting who needs high-value specialty services like cardiology and oncology.

Easy to Use Platform

Our platform is flexible and scalable to meet all your needs. From self-service to custom campaigns we’ve got you covered.

Benefit from decades of experience

Engaging people is what we do best and driving results is what you can count on – we know patient acquisition!

Acquire Patients Like a Boss

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